If a book could come to life

If a book could come to life,

It would seem like I’d be transported into a fictional creation, surrounded with endless possibilities.

To witness a mystery of Sherlock Holmes’ himself,

Being sucked into the drama of eye-widening possibilities.

Imagine you are flying on a magic carpet,

That made the cool morning breeze tickle your face.

The pale, moaning sky, piercing your eyes,

Yet created an essence of fear,

The deafening sound of sirens rang, your heart racing.

Feeling the freezing waves brush against your legs,

And understanding the true meaning of peace.

To put her head to paper,

From paper to piece.

Though in a blink of an eye, it would disintegrate into pure nothingness.

But always,

It would cure my soul of lonely boredom. 

Written by Abbie Bott 2021